Are your a writer looking to find out more about how to publish your picture book?

Have you written a script that feels ready and you would like a professional review before submitting to publishers?

Or perhaps you are a teacher/librarian looking for more information on our books and teaching materials.

At Mbife we offer the following services :

Introduction to Publishing picture books.

-699 SEK

Learn more about traditional publishing and self publishing.

  • How does my script become a book?

  • Who do I need to contact to get started?

  • What do I need to know about being an published author?

  • Do I need an illustrator?

You will get a 1 hour call where Emily will share information on the above topic and answer all the questions you might have.

Picture book script review

-599 SEK

Receive a detailed review and critique on complete scripts that are under 1000 words.

You will get written edits and feedback on your manuscript.

School visits/ Author reading

-according to Sverige Författareförbund click here for details

Emily is available for in-person and digital readings over zoom.

Readings can be done in English, Swedish, French or Wolof

Emily Joof has authored 11 picture books available globally. All her books centre the childs perspective, focus on inclusion and celebrate the west - african diaspora.

Emily is available to participate on presentations on multilingualism, multiculturalism, inclusion as it pertains to children’s literature.

See some of Emily’s panel discussions on the importance of inclusion in picture books:

  1. Gothernburg bookfair / Bökmässan

2. Interview on Diversity in Childrens book: Gothernburg bookfair / Bökmässan

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Which service you would like to book.